
Journal of Systems Thinking and Management
Vol. 3, No.2, Sep. 2019, 2-21


陳建宏、 李鈺凡、 朱心蘅


創新對於產業而言是提升競爭力的重要活動。科技產業的創新典範隨著快速更迭的產品生命週期而變動,從技術創新、產品創新、一直到近年來漸被重視的商業模式創新,如何掌握新典範的趨勢與特性來進行商業模式創新,已成為產業 廠商必須重視的課題。學理上對商業模式的討論相當多元,牽涉的因素廣泛,需 要有深入的個案探究其內涵。小米科技身為一個後進者,在兢爭激烈的智慧型手機市場,快速竄出,其獨特的商業模式與行銷策略,吸引了眾多消費者的矚目, 其成功的商業模式值得深入探究。   本研究透過開放系統相對複雜度與內部學習之觀點,針對小米科技的發展歷程與策略進行分析,並整理出其發展模式的創新機制。研究結果顯示小米科技成功利用社群網路的力量,讓消費者成為產品設 計的參與者,並且成功的利用飢餓行銷與期貨的成本控制概念,來創造品牌形象並且獲利。小米科技成功地運用商業模式創新快速竄起,但是此模式對其未來發展亦有許多限制需要突破。





Variety-Increasing through Interactions-a Model for Xiaomi's Business Model Innovation

Jian-Hung Chen, Yu-Fan Li, Shin-Herng Chu


Innovation is an important activity to industry development. In the high technology industry, the paradigm of innovations shifted rapidly from technology innovation, product innovation, application innovation, to the emerging business model innovation. It is critical for the industry companies to understand the trend of paradigm shifts. Xiaomi is a small latecomer to the smartphone industry, but surged rapidly and surpassed many market leaders. It would be interesting to explore the business model it adopted to achieve the success. This study analyzed by variety and learning process the development process as well as the strategies of Xiaomi to identify the underlying business model innovation. The result shows that Xiaomi uses internet social media to integrate consumers into product design, and successfully adopts hunger marketing and cost control to promote its brand image while make profits at the same time. Xiaomi’s business model contributed to its rapid success. However, the model may also has constraints to its future growth.

Keywords: Xiaomi, smartphone, business model, variety, learning process

