
Journal of Systems Thinking and Management
Vol. 4, No.1, Sep. 2020, 33-48




成長為學術界重要的討論問題,也累積大量成長相關研究。然,成長是一種複雜的組織發展過程,並不能簡單地以實證研究中經常使用的組織規模、營收、資本額、或員工數等衡量指標替代,而須對複雜的組織成長與發展過程有更深入的認識與了解。本研究採用縱斷面的深入個案研究方法,目的在發展成長的過程理論(process theory),擴展與深化成長理論。本研究選擇四家經歷不同成長歷程之餐廳做為研究對象。透過對每個個案之主要經營者進行多次面對面深入訪談,以回饋觀點歸納與建構餐廳經營之一般性營運模式,及餐廳成長之核心結構;再透過量化模擬,分析造成不同餐廳不同成長之主要結構,提出微型餐廳成長動態假說。研究結果發現微型餐廳成長係由顧客口碑成長、潛在顧客大小、及顧客流失率所決定,且在餐廳成長歷程中,基本顧客流結構內的主導環路,決定餐廳成長形態。在顧客口碑成長力量等於或低於顧客流失率的情況下,微型餐廳會經歷短暫成長後衰退進入穩定平衡狀態;在顧客口碑成長力量高於顧客流失率的情況下,微型餐廳會進入成長狀態,直至面臨內外在成長上限。研究結果顯示,僅以餐廳個別特性或營運條件做為成長關鍵政策,並不易成功,建議應從根本結構面來檢視餐廳成長與動能,設計使餐廳順利成長的關鍵成長政策。研究結論擴展成長理論之討論,在實務上,也可做為相關餐飲、旅遊或服務業之重要參考。





A Study on the Growth Dynamics of Small Restaurants

Yatisai Tseng


Hundreds of empirical growth studies have appeared to explain firm-level growth differences. However, growth is a so complex organizational development process that cannot be simplified by the amount of revenue, the scale of capital, or the number of employees. A deeper exploration and understanding of the inner growth dynamics is necessary for practice and academic development and enhancement. Designed as a multi-cases study, this research adopts system dynamics as a major research to explore how small restaurants grow. Essential structure underlying restaurant growth is extracted from a feedback perspective and a computer simulation model is built for further analysis. Based on the simulation model, a series of experiments is conducted to reveal the critical characteristics of restaurant growth process. The interlocked relationship among potential customers, satisfied customers, words-of-mouth, location, customer satisfaction, and competitions is found to dominate the growth pattern that a restaurant may experience. In this research, any individual factors, i.e., service quality, product, price, or environment, cannot explain the different growth patterns of each restaurant under study. Dynamic hypothesis regarding small restaurant growth is developed and suggestions for practice are proposed accordingly.

Keywords: growth dynamics, growth theory, system dynamics, restaurant, feedback perspective

